Common Questions

Common Questions

Common Questions

Common Questions

  • What is a Pediatric Neuropsychologist?

    A pediatric neuropsychologist is a licensed psychologist with expertise in how learning and behavior are related to the development of the brain. They have extensive training and experience working with children and adolescents. They conduct neuropsychological evaluations with individuals who have suspected learning, behavior, and/or emotional difficulties.

  • What areas are generally assessed?

    The areas generally assessed include: general intelligence, achievement skills (reading, writing and math), language, attention, learning & memory, visual-spatial skills, motor abilities, executive skills (planning, organizing, and problem solving), & social skills

  • When is a Neuropsychological Evaluation recommended?

    1. When the child or adolescent is having difficulty in learning, behavior, or emotional control.

    2. When current interventions do not appear to be working, or the individual’s response to interventions is less than expected.

    3. When there is a disease, developmental problem, or injury affecting the brain in some way.

  • What will the evaluation tell you about your child?

    The evaluation will help you to understand why your child is experiencing difficulties. It will provide you with a profile of their strengths and weaknesses to guide educational services and intervention strategies. It may also result in a diagnosis, or may confirm or clarify a previous diagnosis. In addition, the testing establishes a baseline to evaluate the effectiveness of educational and/or medical interventions.

  • How is a Neuropsychological Evaluation different from a School Psychological Assessment?

    A neuropsychological evaluation assesses a broader range of skills than a school assessment, with the goal of identifying the underlying difficulties contributing to the child’s learning and behavioral issues. In contrast, the goal of a school assessment is generally to determine whether a child qualifies for special education services. Neuropsychologists also have extensive training and experience with complex learning, behavioral, developmental, medical, and neurological disorders.

  • How should I prepare my child for the evaluation and what should I tell them?

    Children should get a good night’s sleep before the evaluation and should eat a nutritious breakfast. Children who are tired or hungry are not able to do their best. Depending on their age and level of understanding, children should be told that everyone has things that they are really good at (strengths) and things that are a little harder for them (weaknesses). The assessment will help to identify their strengths and weakness so that they can learn better.

  • Do you accept insurance?

    I do not accept insurance but will provide you with the diagnostic and CPT codes you need to submit your claim for reimbursement to your insurance company. Not all insurance companies will pay for neuropsychological testing for school based difficulties. I recommend that you speak with them before scheduling an evaluation.

  • What if my child has been recently tested?

    If your child has been recently tested but you still have questions, a neuropsychological consult might be appropriate. A consult includes a review of school, previous testing, and medical documents, followed by a meeting with the parent(s). At the meeting, it will be determine if there is adequate information available from the previous testing to address the parents’ questions or if additional testing is needed.

  • Do you attend CSE meetings?

    I am always happy to attend CSE meetings if the schedules can be coordinated.